Saturday, January 17, 2015

Copic Marker Paper

is good stuff. I received a pad of the Copic DIN A4 paper for Christmas and love it. It's so thin I thought the marker would bleed through but it doesn't. I don't own a single copic marker, but the paper works great with the markers I do have.

In progress of course. I still don't know what I'm doing with markers but practice is good.

Kids With Hats

drawn from a reference photo.

I may add color to this. If I get a chance.

Friday, January 16, 2015

This is what a portrait sketch looks like...

when I draw someone while they're talking. Ha ha!

I wanted to use some of my new markers and ink this in shades of grey. For some reason I like it all sketchy and am afraid I'll mess it up. So it stays this way.

Sunday, January 4, 2015

Some Strangeness

Here are the sketches I did last night. I stayed up way too late working on them, but I was in the mood to create. These are thistle people/fairies/somethings. I used watercolor on this clay colored cardstock. I also used pastel and colored pencil.

Baby thistle person. Meh.

Wednesday, December 31, 2014

Looking forward to the New Year

and sketching more.

Here are a couple of the latest drawings in the sketchbook.

Kate asked me to draw Elsa and Anna.

A Lalaloopsyish sketch inspired by this Lalaloopsy Tinies figure. I love her icecream hair. The button eyes are creeeeeepy to me though, so those had to go.

Friday, December 12, 2014

A Little Sketch keep my blog going.

I've been working on some other projects lately and have not been good about working in my sketchbook at all. Christmas prep is keeping me busy as well.

I drew this a couple of weeks ago. Meh... but practice is always a good thing.